
Triplet supercurrents in ferromagnets and singlet superconductors

小森 祥央 氏
Sachio Komori
Department of Physics, Nagoya University, Japan

2021年5月24日(月)10:30~ 理学館506

Electron pairing of Cooper pairs is controllable through the alignment of the magnetic exchange field at a superconductor / ferromagnet (S/F) interface. Over the past decade, it has been established that a non-uniform magnetic exchange field at a S/F interface converts spin-singlet Cooper pairs (antiparallel spins) to a triplet state in which the spins are parallel and triplet supercurrents are long-ranged in Fs [1-3]. In this talk I will present my post-doc works on superconducting spin-transport based on triplet Cooper pairs. We have demonstrated that triplet supercurrents are controllable through Fe/Cu/Fe spin-valves and are blocked in a singlet superconducting Nb [4]. The results are promising for the development of superconducting spintronic devices in which logic/memory operations are achieved via spin-polarized triplet supercurrents

[1] T. S. Khaire et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 137002 (2010).
[2] J. W. A. Robinson et al., Science 329, 59 (2010).
[3] J. Linder and J. W. A. Robinson, Nat. Phys. 11, 307 (2015).
[4] S. Komori et al., Sci. Adv. 7, eabe0128 (2021).